
Showing posts from June, 2023

Walking about town


Things i wont miss

 STATIC: it's so dry up here in the winter with the snow that anywhere you go you zap yourself. Even my students took out the PA in their classroom  SNOW: sure I'll see it in Nova Scotia but not for 9 months GRAVEL: that's all the ground is here. Which brings me to GRAY: I hate this colour now. Never thought I'd prefer white over grey FROZEN MEAT the only way you can buy it here. Like nother fresh LACK OF SWIMMING  LACK OF ABILITY TO WALK WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT POLAR BEARS  LACK OF HOT WEATHER  10 DAYS

Should i stay or should i go now?

 Schools out for summer! I have my air ticket and hotel booked for my flight home. The question is should I come back in September? I did an interview and have been tentatively rehired but we shall see. Unless of course I get enlisted in the Canadian forces Reserve with the cadets.


googles took 10 days my curry pasted took a month Model kits about a month hot sauces, 3 weeks more kits a month My friend sent me 2 huge parcels which took 6 weeks to arrive  One of the luxuries of the North is when we get mail. With modern convience of aircraft we can get mail. At the whim of the air service. Usually, ordering something by mail, via internet can take 3 weeks to a month depending on what is being sent, where it's coming from and it's weight. The fastest I have gotten mail was 10 days. The longest so far, 3 months. And I'm still waiting on a parcel I ordered in April! Which got sent to Nova Scotia so I'll see it when I get back  Mail into the post office can be like Christmas, or a reminder of how far away we are from the rest of the world.

How then am i so different from the first time i came this way?

 The late spring is here, temperatures are around 0c to 1c. Sun is always up. Within 20 days I will be finished my teaching year and will go home for the summer.