
googles took 10 days

my curry pasted took a month
Model kits about a month
hot sauces, 3 weeks

more kits a month
My friend sent me 2 huge parcels which took 6 weeks to arrive

 One of the luxuries of the North is when we get mail. With modern convience of aircraft we can get mail.

At the whim of the air service.

Usually, ordering something by mail, via internet can take 3 weeks to a month depending on what is being sent, where it's coming from and it's weight.

The fastest I have gotten mail was 10 days. The longest so far, 3 months.

And I'm still waiting on a parcel I ordered in April! Which got sent to Nova Scotia so I'll see it when I get back 

Mail into the post office can be like Christmas, or a reminder of how far away we are from the rest of the world.


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